Altay Athletics club — Simply Athletics
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Coach of the Regional sports school went to an internship to Europe

For the further development of the coaching staff of the East Kazakhstan region, the second one track and field expert of the regions - the Regional sports school Bogdan Vesselskiy, is going today to hold an internship with European coaches. This internship will take place in the center of preparation for the Olympic team of Switzerland “National Elite Sport School of Swiss Olympics” in Amrisville and will last 12 days. This year in March the coach Khizhnyakov I.S. held the practice on the same base.

This practice became possible due to the initiative of the President of the Athletics Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and is implemented through the partnership of the Athletics Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Weltclasse Zurich" and the Altay Athletics Club.

Published on: 23 april, 2018