Altay Athletics club — Simply Athletics
Professional Athletics Club

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Results of the Contest on the best logo of the "Altay Kids Cup"

After the voting in the Club's Instagram for the best logo of the upcoming children's regional athletics competition Altay Kids Cup, among the two finalists of the contest - the winner was determined. Among the finalists were logos from @ k.g.a88 and @lyubov_lebedeva.

The total number of votes was 97, for the variant 1 from @ k.g.a88 - 53 people voted, for the variant 2 @lyubov_lebedeva - 44.

Congratulations to k.g.a88! The winner receives a certificate for 30000 tenge in the network of Sportmaster stores, and a club T-shirt with the autograph of the Captain of the Club Olga Rypakova!

Голосование на лучший логотип в Инстаграме Клуба

Voting on the best logo in the Club's Instagram

The winner's drawing will be used as the official Altay Kids Cup logo.

We thank all the participants of the contest who posted their works in Instagram!

Published on: 30 march, 2018